World leading enterprise strength vector translation platform
Largest Installed Base
Broadest EDA and ATE support
Modern GUI Integrates All Test Program Development Tools in a Single Platform
Multi-threaded Parallel Processing
Innovative Methodologies Enables Reuse and Shared Setups
Modular Architecture Enables Lowest Cost of Ownership

Largest Installed Base
Since 1979, Solstice-TDS has been used by generations of test engineers. The knowledge base from this user community continues to strengthen the capability of this vector translation platform and also pushes the advancement of methodologies.
Broadest EDA and ATE Support
EDA: STIL, WGL, SVF, VCD, EVCD, IJTAG and 30+ legacy formats
Advantest T2000, T33xx, T66xx, T65xx, SZ Systems, V93000 SmarTest7 and SmarTest8
Cohu Unison OS for DiamondX, Fusion X-Series
Emerson/NI STS 6570/1, 6555/6556
Teradyne J750, Flex, UltraFLEX, UltraFLEX+
Teradyne Eagles, NexTest, Catalyst/Tiger
And 40+ legacy platforms: Genrad, HP83k, ITS9000, J971/3, Sentry, and more
All Test Program Development Tools Integrated in a Single Platform

Features & Benefits
Full-featured Graphical User Interface. New, casual, or advanced users can be productive right away with the modern GUI integrated all tools and made available at the user's fingertips. All data can be visualized and validated at any point during the conversion process.
Powerful Cyclization: Solstice-TDS simplifies the task of cyclizing functional patterns (typically VCD/EVCD) by automating the cyclization process with auto timing and format discovery for the target ATE. The built-in multi-threaded parallel processing engine can detect parallelism opportunities and produce tester-ready patterns in the fastest time on the market.
Robust Database Optimizes Import Cycles: Solstice-TDS maintains a compact and robust random access database which is optimal in data viewing, conditioning, and accessing via API. Enterprise users enjoy a seamless way to partition pattern conversion tasks and not repeating parsing of EDA source every time a modification is needed.
Rich Set of Database Operations Prepare Patterns for Various Instrument Controls: A comprehensive set of tools has been developed and grown over the 40+ years history, with capabilities requested by the largest installed base including operations such as: guardband, merge, concat, conditional pattern replace, strobe edit, scan flatten, and many more. This enables test engineers full control to supplement their DFT or functional patterns with additional protocol patterns, instrument controls, IDDQ, or mixed-signal analog measurement setup.
Closed-Loop Pattern Validation with Solstice-PV Module: Solstice-PV is designed to stream EDA- and ATE-neutral binary patterns to a Verilog simulator for re-simulating a design-under-test. The binary patterns are stored in databases and are decoupling the stimulus/response data from the testbench. Therefore, different test patterns can be "hot-swapped" and streamed into the test bench without the need for re-compilation. All golden patterns can be reused to initialize the DUT, conditionally selected for validating functionalities.
Self-Documented Conversion Flow: Using an intuitive graphical programming capability, Solstice-TDS users create a conversion flow that is self-documented, executable, and can be saved as a script for those prefer batch processing in command line interface. The flow-based scenario described precisely the intention without the need to learn proprietary syntax required by other competitive tools and risk making typo errors. Solstice-TDS flow-based scenarios can be archived, shared and reused among groups without additional documentation.
Full Customizable and Integrateible with In-house Tools: Solstice-TDS has an API library which enables customers to develop their own applications to perform proprietary functions, or any capabilities not found in Solstice-TDS. Solstice-TDS's drop-down menu is editable by the user so that in-house proprietary tools can be added for a central platform to serve all test development needs.
Best Value: Solstice-TDS's modular architecture enables the most cost effective way to purchase. Only pay for what you need. Click on [BUY] and see the available modular options.